How to access 999 if you are deaf
You can register with the two main approved national deaf access to 999 emergency services through BT Text Relay (call them by dialling 999 on your minicom/textphone) or on your mobile by registering with the emergencySMS service.
The emergencySMS service enables deaf people in the UK send an SMS text message to the 999 emergency service where it will be passed to the police, ambulance, fire rescue, or coastguard. To register all you need is to get your mobile phone out and follow the four simple steps below:
1) Send the word REGISTER in an SMS message from your mobile phone to 999
2) You will then receive SMS message about the service
3) When you have read these SMS message reply by sending the word YES in an SMS message again back to 999
4) You will receive a SMS message telling you that your mobile phone is registered
Simply by sending an SMS message to 999 you can call for help and the emergency services will be able to reply to you once you are registered with information about the next steps or to inform you that the emergency service is on its way to you. This is for genuine emergency calls only – if you make a false emergency call it is possible that they will prosecute you.