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Working to end sexual violence

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First ever sentencing guidelines for rape published

The Scottish Sentencing Council (SSC) has published the first ever draft guidelines on sentencing for rape.

We welcome these guidelines and hope they will lead to fairer and more transparent sentencing.

It's essential that the views of survivors are taken into account in finalising these guidelines and we encourage survivors to contribute their views by responding to the SSC's consultation. The consultation is open until 18 October 2024. 

New statistics show survivors are waiting too long for justice

New statistics published by the Scottish Government show that the average time survivors are waiting for justice, from offence to conviction at the High Court, is 1,125 days.

No survivor should ever be left waiting for three years for justice. It’s totally unacceptable that this is now the average wait.

Our statement on Adams vs Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre

As a national organisation working to end sexual violence, the needs of survivors are our priority.

Rape Crisis Scotland works with a network of 17 member Rape Crisis Centres across Scotland. Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre is an autonomous member centre and as such, Rape Crisis Scotland was not involved in any of the circumstances that led to the tribunal.

All member Rape Crisis Centres are signed up to working within UK-wide National Service Standards. These standards detail the high quality of service every survivor can expect to receive from a Rape Crisis Centre. Membership of Rape Crisis Scotland is based upon a shared commitment to, and evidencing of, the UK-wide Rape Crisis National Service Standards.

Our statement on new figures on conviction rates for rape in Scotland

New figures released by the Scottish Government show the stark reality of just how difficult it is for survivors to get justice after rape.

On average, just 24% of those accused of rape in single complainer cases are convicted. This is a shockingly low figure. The figure for convictions for all crimes is far higher, at 84%.

Our response to the Stage One Report on the Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform Bill

The Scottish Parliament’s Criminal Justice Committee has published its Stage One report on the Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform Bill.

This presents a significant step towards making navigating Scotland’s criminal justice system easier for survivors of sexual violence. This report has been informed by the experiences of survivors, who have shown huge courage in sharing their experiences and views with the Committee, which are present throughout this report, and our thanks go to them. We also welcome the robust consideration the Committee has given this report, and how seriously they have considered the contributions and evidence of survivors.

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